The results showed that the effects of diesel oil, pour point depressant and bactericide changed with the inhibitor variety. 结果表明,缓蚀剂在水和油中的分配比直接影响其使用,分配比太小的缓蚀剂不能用作输油管线的缓蚀剂;缓蚀剂与降凝剂、杀菌剂必须具有配伍性。
The ideal additives for industrial gear oil in cold area should be comprised of improver of viscosity index, pour point depressant, S-P extreme pressure wear inhibitor and benzo-triazole fatty amine. 寒区工业齿轮油理想添加剂应由粘度指数改进剂、降凝剂、S-P型极压抗磨剂、酚型抗氧剂及苯三唑脂肪胺盐等组成。